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Friday, December 21, 2012

It's Vacation Time!!!!

So it has been a very busy week!...This week I created 6 decorated clipboards along with 7 small decorated clipboards as gifts for teachers in my building. They loved them. Pinterest gives me too many great ideas. Now the week is over, gave all my gifts out I can FINALLY focus on creating more products for my TPT. I only have one product up and no one has bought it yet. :-\  People are repinning it though, so I know people like it. I am hoping if I get more products up maybe people will buy a few. Fingers crossed.
This Penguin Math Center kit is JAM PACKED with Chilly Fun!!  This activity kit can be used in your math centers, during a guided math group, or to...

Today in school we did some math rotations with math centers my teacher created. The picture is linked to her TPT page for the product.  It was so cute and the kids really enjoyed it. I suggest trying your products with your students or even yourself to make sure there are no glitches. We found one or two in hers and I found a few in my one product that I fixed tonight. Thankfully it hasn't been purchased yet.

I started a new product tonight after I made my corrections and I'm really excited about it! Let's just say it is a baseball game with rounding numbers. I am going a little overboard. haha I am tired though so I am going to sleep and will probably start working as soon as I wake up again.

Good Night'

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